Podcasts About Disney And Positive Stuff

Daps Magic exists to be a family-friendly community offering positive Disney and geek information, news, and activities while celebrating a mutual love of Disney and positive stuff.

Daps Magic Podcasts

Take a look at the podcasts that are produced by Daps Magic.

Geeks Corner

Released weekly since 2010, Geeks Corner has provided news, entertainment, commentary, and other fun things that celebrate Disney and positive stuff!

Daps Magic (the Podcast)

Mr. Daps explores a variety of topics from the realm of Disney and positive stuff.

Influencing Magic

Influencing Magic exists to inspire listeners to make the magic for themselves as they hear how others have succeeded in becoming influential in their fields. 


The original Daps Magic podcast, this conversation-based podcast digs offers round-table discussions about Disney and geek events, topics, and people.

Daps Magic Podcasters

Daps Magic has a wide array of podcast hosts in its roster. They come from many different backgrounds and have different interests.

Mr. Daps

  • 20 years running Daps Magic
  • Longtime podcast host
  • Former television producer
  • Loves penguins

Caitie Bear

  • Host of Geeks Corner
  • Daps Magic Reporter
  • Coffee Connoisseur
  • Figment lover

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Walt Disney

Founder of The Walt Disney Company

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